Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I think it's a great name, it being my middle I am very fond of it!
It's okay, I guess. I still don't like the "lain" part.
The English pronunciation (LAYN) is full-on crap and ruin, but the Finnish and Estonian one (LIE-neh) on the other hand is much more redefined.
Laine pronounced lane seems like it's missing something.
Seems more of an English name, like Elaine without the E.
Laine is my middle name, and I like it despite the fact that I still never tell people what it is. I guess it's just an age thing, since a lot of kids in my year don't give out their middle names, even if asked, and finding out someone's middle name is a semi-big thing, haha!With me, it's just pronounced like 'lane.' I think that it's simple and more feminine.
I think this name is nice; it's pretty neat.

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