Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Very pretty and sweet. I prefer this over Laura.
Laurie is my name. I am constantly being called Laura (which was going to be my given name with the nickname Laurie), Lauren, or Lori. Laurie sounds very nicknamish to me and I kind of wish it was shorter for something else: Larissa, Laura, etc.It sounds either quite young or older/dated to me.
I know a girl who has this for her middle name — Elisabet Laurie. It's really pretty like that, but I'd only use it for a middle name on a girl and a first name on a boy.
It's my mom's name. Very popular for her birth year. It's nice. I think it looks a lot classier than 'Lori'.
I used to think this name was so gross. But now, since I met my future step-mom, who is Laurie, I think of her and it really makes me like the name. My impression is much better now, and I'd recommend the name for any little girl!
I love this name for both girls and boys, but if it's for a girl it should be pronounced LAW-ree, and for a boy pronounced like Lorry.
More boys should be called Laurie! I've only ever met one, and it's so charming and unexpected. You somehow can't imagine a Laurie in a pub brawl.Seems like it's a girls' name in America, but I've never heard of a female Laurie in the UK.
I would recommend naming any little girl Laurie.
I like Laurie as a nickname for Lawrence rather than a first name for a girl. Laurie sounds so much better then Larry.
Eugh! My name is Lauren and people are always trying to shorten it to Laurie and I HATE it! It sounds too much like Lorry (as in a truck).

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