Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Lea would be a nice nickname.
This is a powerful name! Also has a similar meaning to Ariel (just omit the god part and they both mean 'lion') but this is much more unique than Ariel.
This is my name and I have always loved it. Not sure why anyone would be such an ass as to put a rude comment on here about a name... Just saying. We are all unique. Especially Leandra's. Everyone I have ever met has commented how beautiful that name is. Be proud ladies.
I think it would make sense for the name to be of Greek usage as well. "Leandra" seems like the appropriate female version of "Leander", seeing as most Greek male names that end with "-ander" have Greek female versions that end with "-andra".
The ugliest name I have ever heard.
Sounds harsh.
My sister has that name but my mom made a mistake because instead of pronouncing it Le-an-dra she pronounces it Lē-ON-dra. So that’s fun.
My daughter's name is Leandra, she was named for her great great grandmother from Cuba.
I found that the meaning is Latin for "Strong as a Lion" which suits my daughter so well, she is 9 years old.
My name is Leandra, I was supposed to be a boy and my name was going to be Leander, so I received the female version of this name. It does mean a "Lioness who commands". I am in my 50's and have only heard this name two other times in all my days of life so it is very rare. I also go by Lea, Lean and of course Leandra!
It is my name but spelled Leeandra and I didn't know of another Leeandra (Leandra) for the first forty years of my life. I am 50 as of March 2015) The last five I have met six of them spelled in various ways. They were all 10 years younger and more. Leondra, LeeAndra, LeAndra, Leandra and mine Leeandra. Although it is a rare name it seems to be catching on. I have heard several meanings, the main one being : daughter of Leo but I really don't know. The urban dictionary has an interesting one for sure.
I think Leandra is so pretty! I'm surprised it's not used more often.
The name doesn't sound particularly pleasant to me. I don't like the somewhat harsh sound of ''andra''.
Leander sounds much nicer, and it strikes me as a unisex sounding name. This just sounds like someone adjusted the ending. But personal choice, neh?
I like it. It's pretty.
I /personally/ LOVE this name. I am currently planning to write a story with the main character named Leandra. I think the meaning would be 'lioness' or 'lion of a woman', as it's the feminine form of Leander, which means 'lion of a man'.
Leandra is a very beautiful name.
Wow! Can't believe that this name isn't that common! I thought it would be like Andrea and Alondra, but much more rarer! I LOVE this name and so does my sister.

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