Comments (Personal Impression Only)

My middle name is Leann after my dad and other family members middle name of Lee. I like the name Leann and do find it not as common as it was in previous years. Overall I think this name is both sophisticated and unsophisticated at an even medium.
I have been LeAnn for 60 years, named after a lake in Michigan my mom saw and liked. Did not like as a child - grew into it... found the 1st person that spelled it the same at 20yrs old, then LeAnn Rimes... the variations are endless...
Hey everyone! I like this name because my name is Leann. Sometimes people get mixed up, but I think it's funny. My brother says my name should be Leanne. I disagree, though. I hope everyone has a great day!
This name looks kind of redneck, and I dislike LeAnn Rimes. The spelling Liane is much prettier.
My sister's name is Leann. I have always been jealous of her name. Leann sounds so unique and beautiful.
LeAnn is my name. I do not like the name very much, but it's me. One of the most annoying things about this name is the million or so ways to spell it. When I spell it for people I must often say, L-E-capitalA-N-N, or they will most certainly spell it incorrectly. I also do not like the idea of putting two names together to make a new one, as with this name.
I am LeAnn. El Eee Capital A En En. Twisted spirals of beautiful luminous passion dripping from pores of love, hopelessly seeping intensely into any surrounding parties in hopes of planting a seed of I and IS. And all the matter from the universe which makes us us. That energy. It is LeAnn. That's LeAnn. I am LeAnn. But they call me LeAnn, too.
I've lived with this name for over 40 years now (spelled Leanne) and it has had its "moments". Overall though, it's a good name and I only have two major complaints: It's an easy name to whine (try it -- esp. between the "e" and the "a") which is VERY annoying AND it's really a little girl's name. I'm more of a Eleanor now. You know what I mean? PLEASE if you choose this name, use the double "n". Do you know how many times I've been called, "lean"? Ok, it's better than "fat" but still. And just so you other Leanns know, our name is not French and in French, when spoken, means "vine"! I live in France and whenever someone isn't quite getting my name, I mimic swinging on a vine and say, "Tarzan!" and they go, "Oooh! Liane!" Oo la la! The bullying I got for having the name Leanne while growing up was, "pee-pan potty-head". Just FYI. Masculine namesake names: Leon, Leo, Leonard, Lionel, Liam, Lyon (French form of Leon), Lee, Lenny.

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