Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I think this name has a beautiful ring to it and I would love to name my child Lestat - the only thing I fear is that one day he reads the novels and thinks, "this is seriously who I was named after?" I love the name so much, but the character attached to it is, in my mind, infamously evil and that kind of ruins it.
My name is Lestat and I like it because I stand out and I have the same characteristics as him.
I like this name. FOR THE CHARACTER. The name on a real person is a bit... sketchy?
I really like the name Lestat. I have read the books and really enjoy them. If my future husband likes the name too I hope I will have my own little Lestat! I am not worried about him having a Lestatic character because I think I could handle it and it is great that Lestat is unique. Lestat is a wonderful name to use because there will not be 15 Lestats' in the class like there will be 15 Joels' or Anthonys'. Lestat is a great name.
I really don't know about this name. I really like the sound of this name, but the truth is that I found Lestat really really sexy (in the books - not as Tom Cruise!) which is why I like this name and why I would never ever call my child this. To me, it would almost resemble the feeling of naming your child after an old lover. I guess Lestat should be allowed just to be the vampire made by Anne Rice.
It's definitely a very cool name. Like the name Evelyn and other classic names, it carries its own weight and character (although its not quite a classic, yet.) The Anne Rice books are beautifully crafted pieces of literature and even though Lestat is a vampire (and for people that carries a negative connotation) that would not stop me from naming a kid Lestat. At least it's a name with character.
It takes some getting used to, but if you've read the Vampire Chronicles and loved Lestat, it's hard to think of it on anyone else, even if you like the sound of it.
I would be a little weary of naming my child this, mainly because knowing the personality of Lestat I would fear it would somehow transfere onto him.
It's an interesting name, but I doubt I'd name a child Lestat. It leaves the impression that the child's parents were raving Anne Rice fans and it detracts from any merit the name might have on its own.

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