Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I don't like this name at all. It rhymes with pester which I don't like.
The name Lester, I despise it personally. I have this name and currently still go by this name today. I'm going to end up changing it to something different. The most common thing you are going to hear people say when they call your name is the rhyme of Lester the Molester. The name is old school. People will continue to make jokes about it for the rest of your life. Not a good name unless you want your kid to suffer from constant annoyances.
This name is fine to me, but it is not particularly attractive. I do not associate it with 'molester'.
It's uncommon but I very much do not like how it sounds like molester.
Sounds nice, but too close to "molester".
An ugly, old-mannish, and also wimpy sounding name. The nickname "Les" is not any better.
It's bizarre and makes me think of molester.
I think it’s a great name!
Lester Papadopoulos! I love his character, and since Apollo being turned mortal is a punishment, I think that this name is perfect. It has always been my least favorite name.
This name is just hideous, and reminds me too much of the word molester.
Awful, all I can think about is molester! So not a good name!
"hi, my name is moe Lester."Just as bad, celeste (moleste)
So I do not recommend Lester or Celeste. Horrible and awful.
My grandfather's name was Lester, so this name has a special soft spot for me. I'll always think of a kind, funny, sort of bossy, and very particular type of man (who loves to spoil his granddaughter) whenever I hear the name Lester. For modern day, I think the nickname Les would be appropriate and cool-sounding. Lester is just cool. ^-^
I like it. I knew a friend of my grandparents named Lester. Everyone called him Les. He was such a fun guy, I can't help but hope the name comes back.
I don't think there's anything wrong with telling any potential teasing nicknames that may be used by kids. It's helpful for people who are considering a name for a child. Lester is a bit of an old man name, but I think it would make a nice middle name.
It's a really hard name to picture on a real person today, but I still like it, if only at least for a fictional person or something.A friend of mine joked about naming his future son Moe Lester, that's what made me think of this in the first place, but that doesn't bother me, lol.
It sounds ugly and old-fashioned to me.
Considered nowadays to be in the same category as Hester - except Lester is a grandad name and Hester a granny name.
Honestly, the name "Lester" makes me think of a hamster.
Lester is a nice name (trust me I have seen a lot worse on here!) I am from Leicester and it is nice to see this name on here.
Teasing nickname: Lester the Molester.
Excuse me. That comment above was very tacky. And one cannot help if he was named Lester. It is very offensive and very nasty and if you have a comment like that, keep it to yourself.
Of course "one cannot help if he was named Lester" and of course "Lester the Molester" is nasty and offensive (that is the very reason it is a teasing nickname, after all). But when that is what everyone is thinking, perhaps even you Tbird, if subconsciously, why should people keep "comments like that" to themselves? And why are you defending the name when you don't even like it?

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