Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Kind of refreshing with all the Liams out there. However, I've only met one Lian, and he was constantly mistaken for Liam. Everyone would call him Liam unless they saw it written out or had it explained to them. It's a good name, but I suppose that could get annoying.
It is slightly fresher than Liam. Very cool! A nice shortening of other names, and great on its own.
This name is absolutely ADORABLE! However, the name may get mixed up with Lian (lee-anne) and that would be annoying. I feel like this name will catch up with Liam in a few years, with parents naming their boys this after seeing all those Liams.
I predict that this name is going to be the start of the new year. Lian is so handsome and it sounds really cute on a little boy. It might work as a girl’s name too, but I like the sound of it for a boy. In case this name becomes unisex.

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