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Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Sweet, pretty and elegant. Also, uncommon in North America, so it would make for a noteworthy name.
It's a cool name but sounds kind of clunky. I wouldn't call it pretty but it is interesting.
Such a pretty name!
Rhymes with diesel and sounds like a name for a vacuum or something.
Quite a cute name.
This name is so elegant. It is a really pretty name, and anyone would be so lucky to have it! I love the spelling as well! A very beautiful name overall! (:
I love this name. Now this name is TRULY unique, not like other names.
My daughter's nickname is Liezl. Her name is Elizabeth. Her father is German. She loves her name and goes by it professionally in the medical field. She has always thought that it has given her an edge because people remember her different name. We chose to spell it with a "Z" because we spelled Elizabeth in the English manner rather than the German.
It's a pretty name, delicate yet strong.

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