Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Lili might be confusing to stupid people but I think it's a pretty easy name to say and love. It's cute and shouldn't be overlooked by Lilly or Lily.
Very cute. Would not recommend as a full name, but I love this as a diminutive of Liliana, etc.
This name is very cute, feminine and youthful in my opinion. The « Lili » spelling is also French. I like the « Lily » spelling too, sounds a little more complete, but I think you could combine Lili with other names so it would sound less simple and childish, like Lili-Rose which is a classic.
I like this name, it's cute. I like the spelling Lily a little offense. But it's a little better than Lilly (no offense, that's cute too)
Weird. Much prefer Lily, or even Lilly!
This spelling is bad in my opinion. Lilly or even Lily is SOOOOOO much better. Lili just looks so odd.
I don’t like the spelling. Lily or Lilly is much prettier.
This looks like a nickname. I prefer Lily.
It's a very pretty name for a girl and looks much better written in cursive then Lily. I find the spelling "Lily" to be quite plain and unorginal, it's always the name of the best friend in movies. Lilli is just odd, Leelee I don't even know what to say to that.Overall if I was going to name a girl something pretty I would name her Lili. Oh and this could also be short for Lilianna.
Reminds me of Marlene Dietrich's song 'Lili Marlene' which I love.
I adore this name, mainly because it used to be my nickname when I was a little girl (pronounced as Lee-lee). I only hated it because most people would end up calling me Lil-ee by mistake.

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