Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Only acceptable if it's pronounced “Lee-sha”.
My mom named me Lisha because she had read a book with a character with the name. She liked the name. I have never been told that the name has any other meaning. I like the name and have never met anyone else with it.
This is my middle name. It's spelled this way, but is pronounced "Lee-shay." I didn't like this name growing up, and I'm not sure how I feel about it now. I hardly ever use it or say it, though.
Unless this is a nickname, I really do not like it - nor am I too keen on the full names for it (Alicia, Felicia, etc.). It is rather infantile and unprofessional. That said, I admit that I wouldn't mind seeing it used on a character in a book... I think Lisha could be interesting in that context, where it wouldn't necessarily have the connotations and associations that it does in real life.
Ghetto minimalism.
I saw this name recently but I prefer the spelling Leisha.
I've known two Lishas. One was the child of a friend, who liked to make up unusual names for her children. To me, it sounds more like a nickname.
Derived from Alicia. An English name that's unique in it own special way.
Impression: someone who is sweet, honest and truthful.

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