Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Everyone loves this name, especially older folks. It really shows traditional values, in times where young parents are aiming for modern/whimsical names. It’s as if you are automatically given reverence as soon as the name is spoken. It’s handsome, strong, elegant, masculine, and respectable. A trustworthy name. My son always gets compliments over his name. You can always save the whimsical/modern cutesy stuff for a middle name, as it’s intended. A first name should be suited for a resume. Lorenzo is perfect.
Lorenzo and Enzo are super amazing names bc my name is no Lorenzo and I wish it were because I'm super cool and Lorenzo is a super cool name.
I used to hate the name Lorenzo, but am starting to like it now. However, I dislike the nickname Enzo.
I chose this name for my son after I gave birth to him last January. It took a while to convince my SO (significant other) to get around to it. But after showing him on how uncommon it is here in the states, he said yes! :)
My in-laws and parents love this name and we all couldn't imagine any other name on my dearest bundle of energy. :)
Very handsome.
Lorenzo is my favorite name. It sounds so nice when spoken. No matter where you're from, it can work as a name.I always liked this name but when I started to really like it was after I watched "Lorenzo's Oil" (1992), a movie based on the true story of young Lorenzo Michael Murphy Odone. That movie touched my heart and that's why Lorenzo will always be a special name to me.
When I hear the name Lorenzo, I think of a vibrant, bright, and very kind boy with lots of courage and determination.
Lori, Renzo, Rens, Enzo, Zo, It can have heaps of nicknames, that's why I like it. If by any chance you meet a 'Lorenzo' you can have different nicknames!
I have seen this only in a book though, I don't know anybody with the name Lorenzo.
Lorenzo is my son's name. It's such a great name. The secretary in his school said he has the best name in the school. He is only 6, so I was reluctant to use it, but I'm glad I did. I thought it sounded too old for a little boy. Everywhere we go people comment about what a great name he has.
The nickname "Renz" sounds cool, too. I have the image of a tall, mysterious type of guy.
Lorenzo is a very nice name and not too over used.
My fifth child's second middle name is Lorenzo. I like this name, but not enough to use it as a first name. I think it has a nice flow with any name, however.
Love this name. Would use the nickname Enzo.

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