Comments (Personal Impression Only)

This name is so much fun to say in Swedish and German. It's actually my sister's name, and she gets made fun of in America. "You want a Latte, Lotte?" "That's a Lotte of ___, Lotte!" My sister doesn't care as much anymore, but it's still very rude. I don't think if you're an American and you named your daughter Lotte that she'd be made fun of. Besides, it's a beautiful name.
Love it! Cute and pretty, I can imagine it on every age. There’s an association with the musical Phantom of the Opera—a song that Christine and Raoul sing called “Little Lotte”, describing a young girl very fond of music, preferring it over other activities or objects. I’ll always associate this name with that. Lovely, cute, pretty, and musical!
As much as I love this name, it is too closely associated to Latte.
I really like this name. I just fear it is becoming too popular as it is a nickname for Charlotte (which is in the top ten most popular names).
I love this name.
As well as just generally hating this name, I feel obliged to point out that 'la Lotte' can mean 'monkfish' in French, 'codfish' in Old French and 'burbot' in Canadian French. Not said the same, but written down, who's to know? An ugly name with an unfortunate coincidence.
I think Lotte is a great name! It's not childish, just lovely! In Dutch we pronounce it as lot-ah.

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