Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Haha my name is Lucasta but my nickname is Lulu and that's how I introduce myself. It's definitely a weird name but I like the surprise I get out of people when I tell them my full name. I can't confirm nor deny that I am a witch. I'm born in the 2000s as well, so the name has not died yet.
I think the name sounds simply divine and beautiful. The name gives me a strong, mature, and elegant vibe. (I gave my first original character this name).
Screams surname to me.
I think 'Cassie/Cassy' could work as a nickname for Lucasta. Personally, I quite like the name.
I named a heroine character Lucasta (LOO-kah-sta) because of the meaning and uniqueness. It does sound literary and a little romantic too. (Addressing the "witchy" comments), interestingly my character does have (good) magical powers. Some of the comments above sound like someone named Lucasta stole their boyfriend! As for teasing, I think kids would be more likely to tease your daughter for being chubby, ugly, or tall before "locusts" comes to mind. Low-cust as LOO-kah-sta? Lazy. Different sounds, syllables, and spelling. I find this name similar in style to other names like Lucetta, Lucinda, Lucretia etc. If you've heard those names before, Lucasta sounds unique but not too out there.
Pretentious as hell. I wouldn't want to be named this.
MUCASTA. Locusts. Caustic. Pasta. It's just awful. I don't care if it's "rare" and "literary". Give me strength! I would feel immensely sorry for any child given this name. I'd also want to give the parents a firm talking to.
Despite the above comments, I think this is a lovely name. I don't think I'd use it myself, for a first name at least, but as a second name, it could possibly go. :)
This name is definitely "witchy and pretentious"! Lucasta sounds like something right out of the Victorian era, or maybe a fantasy novel. This name may have a nice meaning, but it's just too stuck-up for me to want to use.
I think it sounds like pure evil. Better for a villainess in a story or an author pseudonym.
Beautiful name. I like it. :)
I'd feel sorry for any girl bearing this name. It is so harsh and spitty. Keep it for stories please!
This name is pretty bad. One step away from Loucast. Very insect-like, please, please, PLEASE don't name your daughter this.
Yes, invented by Richard Lovelace for Lucy Sacheverell. I agree with the poster who called it "witchy and pretentious"! It also reminds me of caster sugar!Lucy is so simple and sweet and has a long history of its own. I don't even think it works as a nickname for Lucasta because there is no "Loos" sound in Lucasta. Surely "Lukey" would be a more appropriate (although ugly) nickname.
I disagree, I think Lucy is extremely intuitive for a nickname but, Lucy is the vastly superior name here. A hundred times over.I don't understand how so many people find Lucy childish and immature and yet pretentious at the same time ? Lucasta, while not childish, sounds a lot more wooden and affected. Harsh pasta?
Witchy and pretentious.
While I love the nickname potential for this name (Lucy is so wonderful), I think the name sounds and looks ugly. It is very harsh.
Beautiful name.
At a website I frequent, someone has a daughter named Lucasta Elspeth Primrose. I think that is divine. There is another person who has a daughter named Lucasta Mehetabel Ruth. I think that is perfect too. This name is beautiful, I love the nickname Lucy.
My daughter's name. Soft, romantic and dazzling.
I have not seen this before. I love Jocasta but can't use that (obviously) and this has the sound I like.
This name reminds of Jocasta. That is definitely not a good thing.
Wow. I can't believe I've never met someone with this name. It just takes your breath away.
Divine and supremely gorgeous.

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