Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Charming and stunning, but masculine all the same. I've heard it given the implied meaning of 'liberator', which makes it all the better.
Love it! Dignified and uncommon. Beautifully stunning.
At first, the “Lie” and “Lice” sounds turned me away. However, I really love the way that this name sounds. It’s very handsome and unique.
I came across this name for the first time in the last Harry Potter book. I like this name!I can see it on an under 30 (since childhood until 20s) so it has a modern vibe, positive this time.I imagine a weird and nerdy boy, a twin with Platinum hair and grey eyes or very pale light-blue ones. Or also albino.The 'Lys' part reminds me of 'Lily' in French, kind of aristocratic / royal vibe (symbol of House of Bourbon) but also the fictional city of Lys (A Song of Ice and Fire) where people are platinum-haired. And Luna Lovegood's appearance is similar.I don't know why but Lysander makes me think of a boy who is a medium and can see ghosts or something else.All these things are positive in my opinion... just quite weird.
I don't like it. It looks and sounds bizarre.
There is not much teasing with this name, believe me, I've carried the name for 40 years on June 1st!
This is my given birth name and I don't know how my mother decided to give me the name but I like it and it seems people do like it too!
It makes me think of Lysol (cleaning product) and of lice. Not much of a fan.
We named our son Lysander and there has never been an issue with teasing. People often think it is Zander or Alexander when they first hear it. We pronounce it LY-sander and when he was a toddler we called him Ly-Ly. Now that he is nine, he prefers Ly.
His older brother tried Sandy and Sander but it never took.
I just adore the name Lysander. I'm worried about teasing though. Also, I want strong and masculine name for my son and Lysander just doesn't fit that in my opinion. Right now I'm iffy about it but I do still love it.
Even though I really like the name, Lysander's meaning "a release of a man" can either be interpreted as a boy growing into a man, or something quite *wrong*.
With the current popularity of Alexander, I am surprised that more parents aren't turning to Lysander as "unique" alternative to the more popular name.It is really a quite attractive name - classic, but with a great modern feel. A cute name for a little boy, but something that would also be strong enough for a grown man.
A strong and lovely name.

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