Comments (Personal Impression Only)

This just reminds me of the musical Lysistrata Jones, which my favorite actor is in, so I guess it's okay.
Even though I think Lysistrata is quite pretty, I would never name my daughter this, or even a character this, for two reasons:
1. It can come across as even more pretentious than Clytemnestra (which I disagree with about being pretentious, but that's a debate for another time).
2. It's the name of a play about women withholding sex from their husbands. A comedy, yes, and one with a strong message, but teasing galore!
The meaning is awesome and it's pretty different from other names, but I'm not fond of how it sounds. You can get a lot of nicknames from it like Ly, Lyra, Sissy, Ray, etc. So, overall, I like this name. And from what the other comment said, the movie sounds funny. XD.

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