Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I love this name, because I do like a big Mack.
VERY VERY unattractive.
I don't like it, I only think of trucks when I hear this name. I prefer Max.
My son was one of the 353 boy's named Mack in 2016 his name is Mack Andrew. I love his name he is named after papa and papa the great. Third generation Mack here. I also love that it's not overused or trendy.
My name is MacKenna, and I get called Mack as a nickname. Before you go all crazy, I know it's a traditionally male's name. But so what? Names don't have genders unless we assign one to them. I personally don't identify as fully male or female, so I like exploring unisex names. Mack (or Max, as I prefer) both seem to fit me well.
I think it makes a nice nickname a for a boy named Mackenzie or McKinley, both of which are MALE names.
I think this is a good name. The fact that it rhymes with slack etc hasn't stopped thousands from calling their sons Jack. I think Mack is a useful alternative to Jack which is lovely but now far too common.
Miss Mary Mack, Mack, Mack, all dressed in black, black, black! Are you serious? A boy named Mack will get that all the time!
I like it better spelled Mac, so it doesn't look like "smack". But hey, I'm probably just paranoid. Otherwise, I think it's a nice name.
Not a bad nickname, but an asinine official name. As an actual name, it sounds far too boyish, and will not give an impression of high intelligence.
Sounds more like a name for a dog to me. A child would get teased far too much for the name Mack, it rhymes with so many things (Smack, Sack, Whack, etc). Also, it sounds like Big Mac and Macintosh. It's a strong, handsome name but just too easily teased.
I wouldn't name my child this, but I still think that it is a good, sturdy name for a male pet.
My friend and I both like the name Mack. It is handsome and rugged sounding.
To me Mack is a short but sturdy sounding name. I like the sound of it.
A generic name. I think of "Hey, Mack," something you might say to someone whose name you don't know. I also think of Mack trucks.

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