Comments (Famous Bearer Only)

Mxmtoon's name is Maia.
Maia Harumi Shibutani is an American ice dancer. Partnered with her brother Alex Shibutani, she is a three-time World medalist, the 2016 Four Continents champion, a two-time NHK Trophy champion, the 2016 Skate America champion, the 2016 Cup of China champion, the 2009 World Junior silver medalist, and a two-time U.S. national champion. She was a member of the US Olympic team and competed at the 2014 Winter Olympics.
Maia Brewton (born 1977 in Los Angeles, California) is an American actress.
Maia Shibutani (born 1994 in New York City) is an American ice dancer.
The Greek goddess Maia appears as a character in the "Mary Poppins" books by P.L. Travers. She and her sisters are stars (the Pleiades), come down to earth to celebrate Christmas in a department store.
In the novel 'The River Sea' by Eva Ibbotson, Maia is the main character. She goes to live with her aunt, uncle and cousins Beatrice and Gwendolyn in the Amazon jungle, which, of course, is in Brazil. It's a beautifully written novel, and it has made me really like this name. It, in my opinion, is much prettier than 'Maya'. :)
The little psychic girl in The 4400.

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