Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Hey, that's my name! I live in St. Louis, Missouri though but I am over half Irish and absolutely love it whenever we get the chance to visit. People often don't know how to pronounce or spell it, but it's all worth it in the end :).
I love this name so much! It is strong and feminine. Beautiful. My mother almost named me this instead of Katherine. I was very disappointed when I found out because I would much rather this have been my name. But I guess it's for the best that I'm Katie, as my younger sister ended up a Sinéad and it probably would have been ridiculous for my mother to've given her only two daughters names that rhymed.
I love the sound of this name; it seems breezy and lighthearted. Regardless, I don't think I'd name a child this, because too many people would misspell or mispronounce it.
A very strong, powerful name in my opinion.
It is a name which has a lot to it. It can possibly mean Maria, Margaret or Marie. It can also be remembered from Irish history (a Celtic princess possibly). But whatever way you put it, Mairèad is a wonderful, essential name.

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