Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I love Hawaiian names. They're always so pretty.
I love this name. I named my only daughter this after the famous Hawaii surfer Malia Manuel she is a powerful, strong, and amazing woman and this has made my daughter the smartest! Wish my dad could have met her, he would be proud- he knew Malia Manuel.
My name is Malia and by the way, it’s beautiful.
I LOVE this name! Though I would spell it "Maliyah". I actually made this name up with my mind because I wanted something that rhymed with "Aaliyah". Didn't know until a little while earlier that this name was already used. Thought it was unique; something I created. Oh well, still a great name.
Gorgeous name. I don't know why the religious aspect bugs people.
Ditto kayisforkeen, love it. Very light and free spirited kinda name.
I never thought it would be Hawaiian, but Malia is awesome. I consider it much more interesting than Maria, and it loses the religious association for many with just one letter.
I see so many little girls with this name now, or variants of it. I guess it's because of Malia Obama. I think it's an okay name.
I can never see the name Malia without thinking of Lamia, the child-eating demon from mythology and literature.
I can't be the only one who, for the longest time, assumed this name rhymed with words like "Australia" and "regalia." (My second guess would have been that it rhymed with "Somalia.") Is there any valid reason to give your daughter a novelty name whose pronunciation is so ambiguous? Isn't that just an added burden throughout her life?
My godfather is Hawaiian, so I'm familiar with some of the traditional names, like Kanani, Leilani, and Kalella (not on this site--Hawaiian form of Cheryl, as far as I know). This, however, is my favorite one, and I've only just come across it. It's beautiful, that's the only way I can describe it.
It looks like Malaria, not a pretty name.
I have a feeling this name will quickly become more popular, considering that Obama was elected President. Obama has a daughter named Malia.
I really like this name now, though it had to grow on me a bit. My niece is named this in honor of her grandmas Marcea and Lisa. The name Malia has such a pretty sound to it. My niece is such a sweet little girl, her name fits her well. Her nicknames are Leah, Mia, May and Ali.
This is a beautiful name, one of my future daughters. It's pronounced mah-LEE-ah. NOT molly-ah. That's Maleah.
I love this name. I named my Daughter this but I also respelled it. I spell it Maliah and my husband wants it spelled Maliyah.

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