Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I guess I can see why people like this name but personally I prefer Mariella.
I love this name to pieces. It doesn't have even remotely similar popularity to Mary, and yet it still has that same soft and frilly sound. It's cute, but also mature. It's one of the few old-fashioned names that I actually like, as it has not been overused to death.
Lovely. Marie is a nice nickname.
This is my name. I personally like it, but maybe I'm biased. It's nice because it doesn't sound weird, yet it is not common at all. People often tell me they think my name is pretty. It's also cool having the same name as a titular Redwall character, as I happen to be a fan of that series. The name is feminine but not too girly, which is great because I'm sort of a tomboy.
To me it sounds like a combination of Mary (or Marie) and Ariel.
This is my name, and I just love it. ^___^
I think it's very pretty, although I do hate it when people say it like MARY-UHL. Ugh. And some pronounce it like MAHRY-UHL, which I don't understand. I agree with the person slightly above this comment, it's pronounced MARY-ELLE.

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