Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Pretty and unusual.
I have found it to be a great name, but you do have to keep telling people how to say and spell it. And as a kid, that was a real pain. However, these days there are tons of kids who have to say and spell their names all the time, so little Mauras won't be alone in a sea of Nicoles, Jennifers or Ashleys. I have a son with a common name and I think my situation may actually be better than his, because there is almost always another kid with his name, in every class and on every sports team (which means always using their last initials or, more commonly, their full names). If you want something similar to Maura that is also Irish, but has less confusion, Maureen is a good bet.
But if you really like a name, call your kid that name (unless there are likely to be huge problems with it), because you're the one who will say that name the most in that child's life. Call your child by a name that you enjoy saying, and that you feel good about.
Very pretty name. Maura, lovely. Only an actual moron would think this name sounds like or is too close to the pronunciation of moron.
My name is Maura, and some people have been saying not to name their child this because it sounds similar to moron and could be used against their child through bullying. I have not once experienced this issue in my lifetime. I think that it's not a matter of the child's name, but rather of the environment the child is put into. I personally think it's a beautiful name, because it's unique, and makes me feel special, sadly though, people do tend to mispronounce it.
My name is Maura, pronounced like Laura with an M. I disliked my name as a child. I was teased “Maura the moron” every day for years. Parents, I would not recommended this name - even though I’m relatively happy with my name now as an adult. The one good thing about my name is that it’s unique, I love being the only “me” in a large group of people.
My name is Maura (more-a) and the name can be used hurtfully, as I was bullied all through elementary and called "Moron" instead of "Maura". I prefer to be called Mo. However, the name is beautiful in a way, though hard to pronounce.
I really like the name Maura. Though I do tend to find names beautiful that other people find ugly or old fashioned.
I prefer Moira as well.
I think Moira is considerably more beautiful than Maura.
I rather like this name, I don't know why. I have a cousin named Maura, and her nickname is Maui so that might just be it. But I still like the name.
This is my best friend's name and I LOVE it. It's cute and unique, it suits her in particular. As a nickname you could try Aur or Aura, the former being the one my said Maura prefers.
If you name your daughter Maura and the other kids decide to hate her, they'll call her 'moron', which is what this name unfortunately sounds like. The name isn't very pretty, and it sounds old-fashioned.
I found it interesting to find out this name is Irish, and not only Italian and Spanish. It's cute, and it reminds of Mara which rhymes with Tara (my name). My gramma would love the name because it's Irish. However it does remind me a bit of Laura, which I can't stand.
I want some maura (more-a) is what I have heard with this name.
I like this name. It's Irish, but people don't mispronounce it really.
Maura Lynn Tierney plays Abigail "Abby" Marjorie Lockhart on E.R.
When I chose a name for my daughter, I wanted to choose a solid, Scotch/Irish name - namely because her father and I are both of Scotch/Irish decent (he Irish and I both). I am pleased to find that her name has also been lent to a saint. Her name suits her. She is the "great"ness that makes my life whole. It's wonderful her name can be a another positive affirmation. I was interested to find that it is also an anglicized version of Marie. I had wanted to give her my name while pregnant - but wanted her to have her own identity. I'm happy her name is (but distantly) related to mine.

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