Comments (Pronunciation Only)

Also commonly pronounced /ˈmeɪ.ɡən/ (MAY-gən)—especially by Americans.
I hear a lot of people saying may-gun.
The original pronunciation is MEG-en, not MAY-gen or MEE-gen.It's Welsh and MEG-en is the correct pronunciation.
I have a little sister named Megan, we pronounce it Meg-an.
When I was in school everyone would pronounce my name Mee_gan I would have to tell them it's pronounced Megan.
I'm from New Zealand and Megan is my name. It's pronounced MEE-GAN. I hate it when it gets pronounced MAY-GIN or MEG-AN, but since only NZ and Australia pronounce it this way, my name is consistently getting pronounced wrong.It's cool though, because my Mum's name is Margaret, so my name is a shortened version of hers.I also dislike the extra letters people add to it like A's or H's, sorry but I prefer the simple spelling.
In Australia this name is usually pronounced MEE-gan if spelled Megan.
My name is Megan. It is pronounced exactly how it is spelled, MEG-an. It really gets under my skin when people pronounce my name as "MAY-gen". I've never heard "MEE-gan" thankfully and find that to be absolutely dreadful. (No offense to any MEE-gans out there).
One of my friends is called Megan and it's pronounced MEE-gin. She gets a little bit annoyed when people pronounce it MEG-an. Once one of our teachers called her Meg! Everyone but our English teacher pronounces it wrong.
I like it pronounced MEE-gin and I think having it pronounced MEG-an is weird.
It flows smoother with our roll call. (Th-IYA, MEE-gin, Ned)
On another point, anyone with the name Megan pronounced MEG-an is not weird, I just don't like the pronunciation. Also if your name is Megan and you have a different pronunciation to MEE-gin, then tell me so I pronounce it to your liking if we are friends in person.
Long message, I'll leave it here, but remember- Megan can also be pronounced as MEE-gin.
I've heard this name pronounced May-gen/gin for a lot of people.I've also heard it pronounced like meh-gen, with the G being part of the second syllable instead of the first like it usually is (instead of meg-en I mean).
I appreciate the frustration of the posters from Wales about the pronunciation of Megan. But I don't think anyone has completely cleared up for those who don't speak Welsh just what phoneme "e" stands for in that language.The answer is that it is the "short e" sound of "egg", "bet", or "echo." The letter "e" in Welsh never has the sound found in English words like "she" or "he". So the "Meegan" and "Maygan" pronunciations are not authentically Welsh.
I have a relative with the name Megan, but it is pronounced Mee-gin. This is my favorite pronunciation.
Pronounced MEG-un.
My name is Megan and I pronounce it MEG-AN, though not even my best friend spells it right.
Megan is pronounced 'MEG' - to rhyme with egg - and 'an' - to rhyme with man. Sure, you can pronounce it any way you like, but you could also pronounce Margaret as McGarrit or Elizabeth as Ellie Zabeth, and it would sound silly to most English speakers. If you want to call your child Maygin or Meegan, then spell it Maygin or Meegan, and leave the Welsh name alone. Also, it is not 'Celtic' for anything, because 'Celtic' is not a language, and it's not Welsh for pearl: the Welsh word for pearl is 'perl'.
It's very confusing to read statements like, "Pronounce it the way it's spelled." English orthography being what it is, you can seldom simply "go by the spelling." And while many people are quick to point out the name's Welsh origins, once it becomes popular in English speaking areas, then it's only natural that it will be pronounced "the English way." How many English speaking Alisons do you know, who pronounce their names with a nasalized "n" a la francaise. In other words, all the variant pronunciations are valid. My niece pronounces her name "MAY-gan." That's her name, no matter what others seem to think it should be! A similar pronunciation question seems to exist for the name Regan (although for that name, there only seem to be TWO options: REE-gan and RAY-gan: no REG-an, as far as I know). The polite thing to do, in such cases, is to ask the bearer how he/she pronounces the name, and try to remember that.
My name is Megan, and everyone has always pronounced it simply MEG-an.That being said, I absolutely hate my name. There are way too many Megans in my school. If it wasn't so popular, I probably would like it. I bet if I named my daughter Megan, then it wouldn't be as overused and she might even like it. But I would never name my child this name, because I hate it haha.
My name is Megan and I prefer it pronounced MEG-AN. Unfortunately, I'm from Texas, so I get called MAY-GUN a lot.
Right, let's get this straight. I am WELSH. I speak Welsh as a first language. My name is MEGAN. And I am an ETYMOLOGIST.M-E-G-A-N. Right?Welsh is PHONETIC. You say each letter as you hear it. So: MEGAN is pronounced M-E-G-A-N.This is infuriating. It may have been used and spelt differently in many different countries, but its original roots are WELSH. That's not ENGLAND, but the country next door.People from other cultures and countries often associate Welsh names with Gaelic, Cornish and Manx, and therefore are mixed in with the whole "Celtic" thing. WRONG.I must stress, therefore, that although many people are confused with this, the names MEAGHAN, MAYGAN, MEGHANN, MAEGHAN and MAYGHAN are definitely the way that people have INTERPRETED THE NAME. And I cannot stress this enough: THE ORIGINAL, TRUE FORM IS M-E-G-A-N.It comes to the same conclusion as, say, the name Chanel. It can be interpreted as SHANELLE, CHANELLE, SHANEL, CHANNELE, and many other ways. But the origin is Chanel.I hope that many of you realise this now, because I am starting to get a little frustrated. And yes, it is a cool name. I was the only one called Megan right up until University - it was considered to Anglicised.
I know I'm a little late here, but since this is my name I am quite interested in what you had to say.Like I stated previously in my comment, my name has always been pronounced 'MAY-gihn'. But I do come from a very Irish family, so perhaps that has something to do with it. You say in the Welsh it is pronounced "M-E-G-A-N", and I'm sorry maybe it is because I'm not quite familiar with phonetic spelling outside my own guessing, but does that mean basically "meh-gahn" or "mee-gahn" or is it something different? I don't mean to be rude or dismissive, I am genuinely interested, but I am not sure what you mean when you say it's pronounced "M-E-G-A-N". And since you are a native Welsh speaker and an etymologist, I am very curious about your input.
I used to have a cat named Megan. It was pronounced MEE-gin.
I think the different ways people pronounce has a lot to do with their accents. I have an Aunt from Boston and she always pronounces my name like MAY-gen, because of her accent. Similarly, a penpal of mine from Ohio pronounces my name like MAG-en, and my neighbor pronounces my name like MEEG-en. Personally, I think if you're going to spell Megan m-e-g-a-n then it should be pronounced MEG-an, but sometimes people can't help the way they pronounce it because of their accents.
I say just pronounce Megan the way it looks: MEG-an.
As far as I'm aware, if it's spelt Megan you pronounce it MEG-an and if it's spelt Meaghan you pronounce it MEE-ghen.
Meaghan is one of the many Welsh spellings, and it is pronounced with the Mea like "pea" and ghan like "pen". I have been corrected many times since I was a child. The corrections were made by people from various Irish, Scottish, and Welsh backgrounds. I have long since taken to pronouncing my name as such, and it is accurate. Saying it is not, is the same as saying that dialects in language do not exist. As anyone should know, such a denial of tonal distinction is erroneous.
It seems to have been only a recent American custom to pronounce this name any differently than it is spelt -- normally in Europe it's simply "meg-an" and nothing more.
This name can also be pronounced MEE-gin or MEE-gan (as in my case and several others I have met). The same applies for all spelling variations.

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