Comments (Personal Impression Only)

My name is Melyssa with a y and I love it. A lot of people I've encountered like the spelling of my name and think it makes it look nice. It's a little twist and I think it's great. All the people that don’t like it are bitter and it's crazy the spelling of a name triggers them.
New and improved. Thumbs up.
Melissa is lovely, but Melyssa looks tacky and hurts my eyes. I disagree with one of the previous comments: Melyssa isn't unique or even creative. It's just a misspelling of Melissa and it follows the "replacing a vowel with Y" trend. Also, people are going to spell it Melissa at first regardless. Want to be unique? Choose a name that is ACTUALLY unique, not a trendy and hideous spelling.
I don't care for Melissa, but this is a terrible spelling!
Very ugly and tacky spelling of a pretty name.
Why ruin Melissa? That’s beyond my concern!
Horrible spelling of the name 'Melissa'. The change from an 'I' to a 'Y' is necessary and just looks ugly. Having a name spelt differently doesn't make it "Cute" or "Unique", it's the same name, just spelt differently. Hate this name.
What a trashy and over creative spelling of the wonderful Melissa. So ugly, I just want to pronounce it like mel-eye-sa. How ugly and modern.
Spelling Melyssa with a 'Y' only makes the common name unique. The spelling of a name couldn't possibly make one illiterate, but the way the person uses their grammar could. Melyssa is a creative spelling :)
My name is Melyssa, spelled just like that, and I love it. It's an unusual spelling of a good name. I feel it makes me different from the other Melissas out there. I'm unique among people. It's a great name. (And, in response to a previous comment, I'm not illiterate and neither are my parents.)
My name is Melissa, spelled this way and I really dislike it spelled with a "y". This looks illiterate, as if a "y" is needed to make it more up to date.

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