Comments (Personal Impression Only)

My name is Merary spelled with a Y. It definitely is a name more commonly used for Hispanics/Latinos but still very unique within the community. I have only ever met one other person with the same name. It is always mispronounced and I have to correct people. To make it easier for them I always tell them it sounds like Ferrari. I always get told that it is a beautiful sounding name but who knows if they truly mean it LOL. Regardless, I truly love my name and I think it is a beautiful name (although I am being biased).
My name is Merari and I am a female.Warning: it will almost always be mispronounced. I have been called Maria and Mariah too many times.As soon as I correct the person they often remark on how beautiful my name is. I even had a teacher who said she would name her first child Merari. Also, my name reminds everyone of a Ferrari.Overall, I do really like my name.

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