Comments (Famous Bearer Only)

The name of the protagonist in Rune Factory 3.
Rebel by Amy Tintera.
Micah Solusod (born August 21, 1990) is an American voice actor. He is best known for voicing Soul Eater Evans in 'Soul Eater'.
In the tv-show Emily Owens, M.D., one of the main characters is called Micah.
Micah Wilkins is the protagonist of Australian author Justine Larbalestier's novel 'Liar'. She is a compulsive liar.
Micah Owens (b. 2004 in Anchorage, Alaska) is an American actor.
There is a book in the Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter series called "Micah" by the author Laurell K. Hamilton. Micah is one of a string of characters connected to the main character Anita Blake.
Actors Kristoffer Polaha and Julianne Morris have a son Micah Polaha, born 6. April 2006.
On the television show Heroes, one of the characters is named Micah.
There is a lovely children's book called "The Little Angel" which is set on the night of Jesus' birth, in which the main character is called Micah; he is the young apprentice shepherd who has to stay behind and watch the sheep while the older shepherds go to visit the baby Jesus.
One of the Mugglecasters on the Harry Potter Podcast is called Micah.

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