Comments (Famous Bearer Only)

Midge from That 70s Show! I love her character and always wondered where that name came from.
Midge is a cool name, and it is also the name of a character in an episode of Dr Who in 1989, called Survival. He was a good character, who later turned evil and died. He was played by actor Will Barton.
Mary, Mungo and Midge is a British animated children's TV series.
Midge Hardcastle, character in Agatha Christie's The Hollow.
Midge Steering, the dimwitted wife of Fat Stew in "The World According to Garp" by John Irving.
Midge was the ditzy wife of Bob and the mother of Donna on That 70's Show.
I always associate this name with the Barbie doll named Midge, a pretty redhead friend of Barbie.
Midge Wood is a character in the Hitchcock classic Vertigo.
Midge is not only a woman's name. The frontman of the 80's band Ultravox was named Midge Ure (he was a man by the way).

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