Comments (Personal Impression Only)

It's of course a great name and maybe the best to name your Muslim boy, but it should be spelled Muhammad. These variations like Mohammed, Muhamad, Muhammet, Mehmet and so on, I don't like. The original name is the nicest one.
I don't like it. Too many M's, and it is the most common name in the world.
I always hear the word hammer when people say this name.
I heavily dislike this name, it's so plain and boring. I think it's probably because it's considered to be the most common name.
Considered to be the most common name, and I understand why that it is but I think it's unusual/weird to name your kid after a prophet. It seems as if they believe their child is "superior" in a way. The name is bland sounding, no offense to the prophet Mohammad.
I don't care for this name. It's rather boring, and the stigma attached to the prophet Mohammed (and Islam in general) in the West would lead to racist bullying.

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