Comments (Meaning / History Only)

The name Moira can also mean destiny. Derived from the Greek fates, the Moirai. [noted -ed]
In Greek Mythology the Moirae were the rulers of destiny - even the Gods were under their power. They controlled the metaphorical thread of life of every mortal from birth to death.Also a very beautiful name!
The route of meaning through derivations of Mary, Maria seems a bit far-fetched--can anyone tell me why this is the given etymology? I don't know which cultures have used the name and under what influence, but I think it's more plausible to suggest that Moira came directly from the Attic Greek feminine noun" "Moira, moiras," meaning "Fate."
Hmm, this name seems to be the (English) phonetic spelling of the Scots Gaelic name "Moire", a title used for the Virgin Mary (the Irish use "Muire" ("MWEE-ra") to refer to Mary).
Moira is also the Greek word for "fate."

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