Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I actually like this spelling more than Molly. I think it's sweet, vintage and charming.
I prefer Molly a bit more because the spelling is more appealing to me, but this is also really cute!
I kinda like this spelling better than Molly, I feel like it's more "symmetrical".
Cute, though I wouldn’t use it as a full name.
Mollie is a very cute name! I can't decide whether I prefer Molly or Mollie.
Prefer this spelling over the Molly spelling.
I like it. For some reason it reminds me of fresh red berries in the summer. I prefer the "ie" spelling, as it seems a bit more finished and special. But I do also like Molly.
I was surprised that the spelling "Mollie" was more popular than "molly" at one point. I can never decide which spelling I like more, but I'm starting to lean towards this one because it's more classic and old fashioned :)
This is my sisters name and she is named after my great-aunt Mary. My mum chose the "ie" spelling as she thinks it looks more feminine. We call her Mol or Mo or sometimes Moses =)
Good Golly, Miss Molly. I was almost named this and I do like this name. It's pretty and a fresh breath of air from the popular Mary.
I think this could also be spelled as Molli. It's very simple and has its own unique touch to it when spelled this way.
I use this as a nickname as you can get Mary from my real name, which people have trouble saying. I also am not a fan of the name Mary as a first name. And Mollie looks so much better than Molly, to me.
Mollie is a great name! It is the name of my Grandma and my best friend. I don't know why but when I think of the name Mollie it reminds me of a young lady who looks really nice in dresses!
I like Mollie much better than Molly. The pretty white mare which ends up joining the humans in Animal Farm is named Mollie.
This is a cute name.
This name sounds and looks really juvenile. I think it's best as a nickname.
My daughter goes to school with 2 Molly's. One spelled as Mollie and the other Molly. We both prefer it with a y.
My name is Mollie and I love it. It's a classic with a unique touch.

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