Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Honestly, I like the sound of the name. Although more commonly used for girls, it does have a unisex vibe to it, which I really appreciate. I like it for girls or guys. I don't think I would use this name for my kid, since it isn't my favorite name of all time, but it's certainly a name I like, and one of the characters from one of the stories I'm writing is named Morgan. If you want to name your kid Morgan and are wondering what people think of it:I think it's a cool name for any gender, has a nice neutral vibe to it, and it's not too flashy.
All right. Looks like all Americans are really rude and savage here!
Maybe a mom like me likes this name and wants to name her daughter Morgan. I don't give a damn about all these idiots who just have pop instead of brain. Just say I don't like this name.
I'm gonna name my daughter Morgan Isabella Holland.
And I will learn her how to behave herself and be proud of her beautiful name!
Despise! Old lady!
I like this name, but everyone I know named Morgan is a snob.
I like this name because it sounds adventurous to me. The nicknames I've heard for it are Morgany and Morganito. I've heard the meaning is strong and from the sea.
The funny thing about this name is that it doesn't really have an assigned nickname. When someone has a nickname and their name is Morgan it usually is something that only personally applies to them.
Morgan is the name of my male cat. Everyone thinks he's a she at first because of it. We bought him at a shelter that had already named him, for the German name for morning.
Morgan has ALWAYS been unisex, it's not just a stupid trend. I personally wouldn't choose Morgan for my son, but I would probably like it on somebody else's kid. The only drawback is the nickname 'Morg'. Americans and little children desperately want to come up with nicknames for even the shortest names and he/she would end up being called 'Morg'.

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