Comments (Famous Bearer Only)

One of the protagonist's love interests in "Splintered" by A.G. Howard.
There's a minor villain in the Resident Evil video game series named 'Morpheus', though it hardly ruined the name for me. It flows very nicely and doesn't seem *too* over the top.
This name also was used in Marvel Comics for one of the nemeses of their millionaire hero Moon Knight. Morpheus there is a supervillain who gains his power from an inability to sleep, and therefore to dream.
There's a file-sharing site called Morpheus. To me, this is kind of like calling your kid Limewire or Napster.
This is one of the names of the main character (Dream) in Neil Gaiman's famous The Sandman comics.
Morpheus is the name of a major character in The Matrix movies.

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