Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I’ve only met two Naomi’s in my life and both pronounced it differently but this spelling makes it way easier to say. Love it! 🧡.
Am I the only one who thinks this name sounds like "no Amy"?
This is what my French teachers always called me because they couldn't pronounce Naomi. I didn't mind so much after a while, only sometimes they said it NOW-mee, which I don't like.
I live in the United States, Miami, Florida to be exact so everyone here is named Vanessa, Stephanie, Adriana, & Jessica. So when I have kids I'm choosing names that aren't English like Annie. I would name my first daughter Noemi Mikayla. In my opinion Noemi is a beautiful name. You can say it in Spanish, which I am, & in English. I can pretty much guarantee that that name isn't used here in Miami. Noemi is a trendy name, also sophisticated & different. It will age graciously but be cute for a little girl. Even though I perfer Noemie with a "E". Also as a nickname Emmie can be used.

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