Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Ugly, sounds like Orange, Ogre, and Oral. Stick with Ariana instead.
I like it. Oriana is a very beautiful, elegant, and unique name. ❤❤.
Worse than Ariana.
Beautiful and great alternative for Ariana.
A friend of mine has two siblings with the names Orianna (Oh - REE - Ah - nah) and Ojanna (Oh - ha - nah). I think they sound very nice together.
This is my name and I love it! I have people all the time commenting on how beautiful it is. I've always gotten some weird pronunciations like Orion, Ariana, etc. It's just funny because half of my friends call me Oreo more than Oriana, without knowing it's been my nickname since birth.
I really like the meaning and sound of this name.
My name is Oriana, and although it is very common in Venezuela (my country of birth), where I currently live (the U. S) it is extremely rare and have never found anyone named like this. People often confuse my name with "Ariana" because of the similar sound, and because it is more common. A very common nickname I get is "Oreo" yes, like the cookies, this is fine as I think it is a cool nickname. I think what I like most about my name is the meaning (golden dawn). I think it sounds pretty, and has an interesting history. My fourth grade teacher picked this name for her daughter because she saw it on me and liked it, also she wanted a name you can cut short sometimes like "Ori".
I grew up not liking my name because people couldn't pronounce it properly, I would get Orino, Orina and the kids made fun of me. As I got older I began to fall in love with it and I live the meaning of my name. I was named after the great journalist Oriana. My mother read all her books back in the 70's and decided that was the name she saw fit. She picked well, I couldn't imagine going by any other name. I love it! So much so I named my youngest Brianna to match my name. ♡♥.
This is a truly beautiful name, my eldest daughter has this name. I love it because it is unusual and elegant, much softer than Arianna which I think sounds hard. I love the fact that I know no one else who has the name.
Quite nice, and very rare. :)
This name gives a mysteriously beautiful and femininely powerful feeling to the bearers. "Ori" reminds me of "aura", "aurora borealis", "gold". And "ana" is very feminine. This name also gives me an impression that it's a girl from the east, like "orient". Definitely a name for a sophisticated, intelligent and stunning woman.
Pretty, it makes me think of tea for some weird reason.
My middle name is Oriana, and I was told it is Japanese. I love the name, it's very elegant and pretty. It reminds me of a flower, I do not know why.
I met a young Spanish woman named Oriana. I think it's a pretty alternative to Ariana. I don't know which one I like better.
Rather different but I'm still not sure if I like it or not. I've never crossed this name before either.
I like the sound of this name, but if I ever used it, I'd have the spelling Oreana.
It's too much like Arianna to me.
This name is very pretty, but two girls who have this name ruined it.

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