Comments (Personal Impression Only)

You’d really name a kid a word like this? I mean, it’s not bad but kinda weird.
I cannot stress how much I love this name. It’s so rare both as a virtue and as a name. It’s delicate, feminine, and gentle, yet also strong. Meeting a girl named Patience would make me so happy, but not as happy as naming a daughter this. It goes very well with my other favourite girl name, Primrose. I love the combo Patience May, the latter to honour my mother. This name is so beautiful.
It is, perhaps, just a bit too reminiscent of the Puritan era and pilgrims imo. I still like it on a theoretical level but not necessarily in practice anymore. A bit too "stern". Plus the teasing potential. I knew a Patience once that in childhood was constantly told to "not lose herself". Cute but I think there are better virtue names to be found.
I love the name Patience! I think it is beautiful and sweet.
It sounds super sweet and gentle!
I have a one year old called Patience. It’s quite unusual in the UK and gets a lot of compliments (and some silences!). I don’t plan to shorten it and hope she decides not to. It took us a long while to have her so the name felt fitting, I also love the Guns n Roses song! Her seven year old brother is called Ernest and that doesn’t get shortened by me, though his dad and a few family members call him ‘Ernie’ he doesn’t like it (neither do I!) and he corrects them himself. I love that both names are old fashioned but still uncommon. I don’t mind the mixed opinions on them as it means they are not boring! Whenever I hear what people call their babies, I often have to feign interest in hearing yet another baby called the same thing!
The first time I heard this name I was struck by how pretty it sounded. It's not a name you hear everyday so this intrigued me. I love it. I would definitely name a girl this.
I love Patience for a name, I think it's beautiful. As a feminist, I can somewhat understand where the comments about the name being a “sexist” option for girls are coming from, since women shouldn't have to be patient for anything if they don't want to be. However, I disagree with the idea of it being “sexist”, but rather gently encouraging an admirable virtue.
Also, my (real) name is Breathe, and I've received some “Just breathe, Breathe!” jokes and puns many times, so I can understand the concern for someone named Patience getting teased or made fun of. However, for me, at least, even though I've heard plenty of jokes about my name, it's always been in a positive light, in that they mean no harm, but rather a little humor, and I'm obviously used to it by now, so it doesn't bother me too much anymore. Besides, I love my name! Hah. And I'm sure a girl with the name Patience would love her beautiful name, as well.
Out of all the virtue names, this has to be one of my favorites. It has a very gentle pronunciation.
Lol, all of the Patience's I know are very impatient.
Not that I hate the name, but what if Patience isn’t patient?
Patience is a rather sexist thing to name a kid, as it's almost always used for girls.
This is a very pretty name, but I have a bad association.
Hmmm, I'm undecided. On one hand, it has a very pretty sound. On the other, it would lead to a lot of bad puns- that would be a definite caveat. The meaning is great, though: Patience is one of the most helpful virtue names. Still, it would really be unfortunate if she wasn't patient.
I once knew a woman of this name. I thanked her for something one day, saying, "Thanks, Patience, you're a virtue." (I did it by email, so I don't know what her reaction was. She didn't answer, anyhow. (Probably the first time she heard it that day!).
My name is Patience. That is why I wanted to look it up. I personally think my name is not a very good one and I go by my middle just for that reason. Other people when I tell them my name, say it is very pretty. I do not think so. Mostly because I get my name from the word and the song. It is annoying having people say " Patience be patient"!
Patience is my favourite virtue name. I love its elegance and simple beauty. I hope this name will make a comeback.
Patience: not a fan of it as a name at all and I'm thrilled to see it off the charts. I can only hope it remains off.
Naming a child Patience has to be really ironic. What child has perfect Patience? This name is really dumb. If anything, it makes more sense for a stripper. And by next year I won't be surprised if it disappears from the charts; it has declined rapidly.
I don't care about the "Be patient, Patience!" jokes, because this name is so elegant and beautiful. I love a lot of Puritan names (such as Grace, Promise, Mercy, Felicity, Desire, Infinity), but Patience is my #1.
My name is Patience and I get a lot of compliments on my name. Yes, when I was younger almost everyone teased me saying "Be patient Patience" and I still do sometimes at school when the teacher says "I am losing my Patience." when he/she are frustrated with the class and my classmate would reply "No, she is right here." I am the only Patience in my school and people always say they wish their name is Patience (:
This name is not nice at all! I hate when people turn plain English words into names! Ugh!
I think Patience is pretty, but I adore the Spanish version, Paciencia :) Just beautiful.
Some people might say this is a little old-fashioned. Well, it is, but I still like it. :P
This is such a weird name.
One of few virtue names that I actually like (the others being Hope and Verity). I think it's a pretty word to begin with, not to mention a really admirable virtue. Sure, there might be a *couple* jokes about being patient/impatient growing up, but I don't think they'll be nearly as damaging as jokes made about girls named, say, Chastity or Honour ("on her"). I also love the song by Guns 'N' Roses, which adds to my liking for the name.
It seems a lot of people are overly concerned about the teasing potential, but they're only the people who have never met a Patience. I know two girls named Patience and neither were teased, one is still school aged. Patience is a virtue, not just a random 'word name'. It has been used as a name for a long time.
I like it. It's simple and traditional. And if the kid isn't patient, so what? It's a nice thing to strive for.
What do doctors have? Patients! Ugh, It makes me SO sad that people are giving these type of names to their children! Think about it a name is a serious thing! I don't even wanna imagine what the kids at my school would do to someone named Patience!
Patience, mother of Respect and Thankful.
Come on word names? I like Faith and Hope but Patience is over the top.
This name is too cute! I love it. It has a soft, beautiful sound when you say it.
As one who is impatient, I like this name very much. Patience truly is a virtue, and I respect anyone who wishes to instill this in their children. Besides this, Patience also has a sweet, honest sound. I can easily imagine an adorable little girl named Patience.
Oh please, how silly is this name? Of course there is always the risk that the girl won't be patient at all, but it's not even a pretty name, and it sounds like a name really obnoxious parents would pick for their poor daughter.
You have got to be kidding me, this as a name? What if Patience turns out to be very impatient?
It's ok, but I think the child would be subject to far too many "be patient" jokes than anyone ever needs. It's a nice sounding word, though.
It is a beauty. I know a little Patience ;) and she has no teasing or inane jokes made about her name.
Someone at my school is called this and all the teachers seem to think the "be patient Patience" crack is still funny.
I know a little girl with this name. Her nickname is Pae which is rather sweet.
I like this name, but I think it's more beautiful in the form "Patient". I think it's EVEN more beautiful as "Impatience" or "Impatient", but who wants their poor children or literary characters to be subject to tasteless "be patient" jokes?

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