Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I like it! Sounds cute and funny. However, I wouldn't use this as a first whole name, only as a nickname.
Reminds me of Pepsi, good name.
Sounds like Pepsi.
This name has become very popular in Finland, and its popularity can be attributed to the fact that this is the Finnish name of the character Pippi Longstockings. It sounds cute on little girls, but I can't imagine a grown-up with this name. It's very hard to imagine someone with a PhD named Peppi! It's very girly and youthful.
It sounds a little like the word for, um, never mind in German. I wouldn't recommend it.
Sounds like Pepper, and I would say it was Italian and used for a boy.
It's a real groovy name for my hamster but now that I've called her that it would feel a bit weird to have a friend by that name. Oh well, I guess every name is funny if you think about it!

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