Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Beautiful... the letters mysteriously shimmer between whimsical lavender and a deep, throbbing indigo. In my daydreams, I walk along the roads of an opulent city, where the air is heavy with exotic spices and music drifts through the commotion. In bygone eras, poets and scholars gathered here to weave tales of love and longing beneath the starry sky. Persis speaks to the universal language of art, reminiscent of her very own ancient civilization. The possibilities are shining!
This name is really cool. It's just a weird, cool name, but simultaneously classy as the stars, and I love it. I didn't recall Persis Ford until seeing her name in the comments! Persis reminds me of her, subliminally. It brings to mind the English aristocracy of the early 20th century.
I love this name! It sounds natural and strong. That suits me better than my delicate, soft name. The first time I saw the name, I liked it immediately! A name with love at first sight.
Persis is a lovely, unique name. :)
This name is beautiful. Simply gorgeous, and elegant sounding.

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