Comments (Personal Impression Only)

This makes me think of the dog from Mickey Mouse!
Guys and Gals,
This is a planet, dog, and god NOT a name! Don't even think of naming your child this!
Poor kid. All the planet jokes and questions asking why his parents named him this he'll get.
I think Pluto is a pretty name and I maybe would name my kid that. I like it and I like Mickey Mouse’s dog- he is so cute!
Three impressions:
The dog.
The planet.
The death god. Yeah, that's a great name.
I can't get past the whole Mickey's dog Pluto.
I think it would be just cruel to name a kid Pluto, but I still think it is cool. I am still upset it isn't a planet, though. What else that we have grown up knowing isn't true, anyway?
Would not like to name a child this, but it is a nice name.
I just can't understand, why anyone would name their child Pluto. It's so boring name and also little creepy.
If you name your kid this, you must either hate him, be a crackhead, or drunk. I would never name my kid this.

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