Comments (Personal Impression Only)

It's really nice. Nickname Mona or Momo.
Weird name. Shame the kids that got named "Po', po', mona".
It think it is a pretty name, my friend is called this but she doesn’t like it so we call her Estelle, which is her middle name, because people kept calling her pomegranate in her old school, which I find sad.
Kind of like 'pompous'.
The sound of this name is beautiful! But I wouldn't use it for a person because I live right by Pomona and using would remind me of that city.
I think this is a really nice, cosy name, and it's a shame it isn't used more often. :)
I like this name very much. When I first heard it I kept accidentally saying Paloma, but now I remember it.
It reminds me of the French word 'pomme', which means "apple". Perhaps this is why every time I hear the name Pomona I think of fruit (particularly apples).

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