Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I like it, but people will tease your child for it so I'd stay away from it.
Seems like a name for an entitled kid.
Terrible name.
I agree. It seems like a religious nut would name their kid this.
Name Praise(iyin oluwa) as God gave him to me, even before I gave birth to him. Either as a girl's name or not that is the name I am given and I gave it to the baby (my boy, my Praise). I will always Praise God.
Praise is a lovely name. Much less popular than Paige. If religious people use this name to honor the Lord, well, good for them! This is going on my Personal Name List!
Wow! Praise is a unique and beautiful name. I would like to meet someone named Praise!
Praise should not be used for a name. Period.
Could be cute if used with caution. I think it would be best used as a middle name with a more common first name for balance.
This name is ridiculous. I agree with slight night shiver's comment: Praise as a name DOES sound like the name of the daughter of ultra-religious parents who believe everything in the Bible is literally true.
What can be better than praising God for blessing you with a precious child? The most natural thing you can do after the birth of a child is to Praise God and thank him for all your blessings. While this name is unusual, its meaning is beautiful.
Only young, naive, sappy religious nuts would use this ridiculous name on their child, and it's a pretty good sign that she will probably be home-schooled and taught to believe the world is 6000 years old and that prayer heals diseases.
I expected to see in the description for the name that it was used by Puritans, but... nope. It just has a Latin root. While the BtN poster slight_night_shiver (likely no longer active on here) has made comments about several other names that caused me to raise my eyebrows at her quickness to judge, in this I have to agree with her. If Praise is a child's first name, that's almost a guarantee that her parents are fanatics / zealots.Even if you considered Praise as a middle name, and liked the sound... honestly, just go with Paige.
How can you know that only young, naive, sappy religious nuts would use that name? It is fascinating how people know about your religious beliefs when they hear the names of your children. I think Praise is very pretty and makes a great middle name. It is uncommon and has a nice meaning.
Praise, well, seems like a weird name to me. When I hear it, I think of something more along the lines of praising the Lord.

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