Comments (Personal Impression Only)

It's an incredibly beautiful name. 100% prefer it on boys. Basically, I have a serious problem with the phenomenon of unisex names, and I believe that people have been ruining (and still are doing so) the identity & gender monopoly of human names by giving every beautiful boy name that has (Y, A, E, H) as the last letter to their girls. We need to get back to our roots. Were ancient people like this? Or each name at the time used to belong to one gender? How many women in the ancient time do you know that were named Cyrus, Alexander, Genghis, Muhammad, Jesus, Nero, Socrates? Please cancel this circus and save every name for its original and historical gender.
It makes me think of quinces. It even sounds like a word you could use to describe something that's quince flavored.
I have a friend whose name is Quincy, and she's a girl, which proves that this name can be a unisex name! Besides, these days, more girls are getting so-called "boy" names.
Although Quincy is a very nice name, it personally reminds me of the word crunchy, which then reminds me of eating crunchy Taco Bell tacos. I am often left with a painful surprise in the bathroom after that, therefore I can not get on board with the name Quincy.
We named our son, Quincy. I LOVE IT! We live in a very small, rural town and when he got to daycare there was another Quincy in his class of ten?! Small world but I love the name.. I call him Quinn or Quinny for short... I think it can be either a girl or boy. It's a beautiful prestigious namesake.
I like the name Quinn for a girl better than a boy. But Quincy doesn’t sound any more masculine than Quinn. So Quinn and Quincy both make very cute girl names. I’m starting to state my own opinions on names instead of saying it’s okay for both genders. Go me!
Very handsome, masculine, classic name.
Sounds more like a girls name.
I only like this for a girl. It sounds like too much for a boy.
Quincy only suits boys in my opinion.
My name is Quincey. My mom said she added the "e" to make it more girly. I have met only one girl with the same name Quincey. Her grandfather gave her that name and it turns out her grandfather was my 5th grade school teacher. If you asked me 20 years ago I would say Quincey was a black mans name. Being now in my early 40's - I say Quincy is a pretty name and unique. If I ever have a daughter, I will name her Quinn and I won't care if that is a guys name or not. Power of the Q!
Who said a name, to be qualified as feminine, has to be soft and pretty? I disagree. I think that Quincy is both male, AND female.
It'd be ok for a boy but it strikes me as either a nerdy or old man name like Arthur, Percy, Cecil (no offense to anyone named these).I don't see how it is a girl's name. It's not pretty or feminine at all.
Maybe it's from the strong (for me) association with the president, but I see this as an all-male name. It sounds like a girl's name to me, but the president is so big in my mind that he alone pushes it to male.
Obviously, from my username you can tell that my real name is Quincy. ;)
I am a male, and from my experience I've never been teased about my name. I have only seen one female with my name before. I'm not really sure if it's more masculine or feminine, but since I'm a male it's sort of biased. :P
I don't see how Quincy could be used a girl's name. I really like the name, but I wouldn't name a kid Quincy cause they'd probably be teased.
I prefer Quintus, as I feel it sounds more masculine.
Honestly, in this day and age, naming a boy Quincy is tantamount to making him wear a tutu to school. I don't mean to be awful, BUT, I really find this to be a girl's name. If it were me, and I just had to have my child have this name, I'd go with the nickname suggested above, Quinn, for a boy and Quincy, with it' lovely "-ncy" ending (like Nancy), for a girl.
Quinn would make a nice nickname.
I like the name Quincy, for a girl only. I think it should be a male and female name. I only know girls named Quincy.
I think it's a cool name, but I bet my kids would be weird enough without a name this strange. And I also think it's too girly for a guy.
I love the name Quincy but it reminds me of an exboyfriend so I could never name a child Quincy or anything.

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