Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I think that this is an awesome name! It’s really nice and androgynous in my mind. The history of this name is also very cool. I’d happily use it; I kind of prefer it to Quinn!
Love the pronunciation!
I love how friendly and lovable this name is, and the inevitable nicknames Quinn or even Quinny are great for either boys or girls. Quinlan is fun to say and is my favorite out of the Quinn names.
I really don’t like this modern trend to take surnames and make them first names. The poor children end up with a stupid name that follows them for life, just because the parents want to be different.
I don't like this at all, or the letter Q for that matter. No offense Quinlan's.
This is my name, and I like it and have never met another person who had the same first name as me, but I would not choose this for my child.
I just named my son Quinlan. This is a beautiful name with lots of nicknames. I like how it's unique and simple. I hate boring common names. My husband and I have a lot of Irish heritage, so we found this name fitting. It's also the name of a bad ass character on a book series/ show we love called The Strain!
I'm not big on names that begin with the letter Q, and Quinlan is no exception. It simply sounds ugly to me on a male, and unimaginable on a female.
Quinlan is the most beautiful name for a girl. She gets Quin and Quinny also.
I knew a boy at school with the last name 'Quinlan'. It is for this reason that I cannot think of it as a first name. It is also very ugly.
No, just no. I can't believe people actually consider this a name. Quinn, albeit popular nowadays, is a much better name.
Very sharp and interesting. The "Quin" is weighted down by "Lan".
I really love this name. It's got a musical quality to it. I like the spelling Quinlen better, though.
Who the hell names their kid Quinlan? Why would you pick a name beginning with a "Q" anyways? Makes me think of a nerd with massive glasses and braces.
I usually don't like names with a ''kwi'' sound to them, but Quinn and Quinlan are exceptions to the rule. Quinn is quite popular nowadays, and I don't really like the sound of Quincy, so this could be a nice middle name to Ewan, if I ever have a son. It doesn't appear to have a religious background, it's quite short and simple, it doesn't sound infantile or pretentious, and it's just pleasant-sounding.
A nice alternative to Quinn. I have also seen it spelt Quinlyn, Quinlon, Quinlen.

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