Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Ok, so my name is Quintin. I've read the comments and feel I need to point out a couple of things. First off I'm over 40. I have never heard of people naming their kids this name because they are born in May. I think that's new. I'm the 5th son, and my Mom was a fan of Dark Shadows. That being said, if you name your kid with my name you better have thick skin, and you better raise your son tough. Though I love my name now I didn't always. Being a unique kid isn't always a good thing. Here are some things to expect:
His name will always be misspelled. ALWAYS! Doesn't matter which spelling you use. I have had my name spelled with every vowel, extra letters, and omitted letter. You and your son will always be correcting people. He will be asked if he said Whitten when he says his name (as in Whitten Marsalis the famous band leader), or the dreaded Clinton, or Gwen. I don't know why.
He will be asked "Is that your real name?"
Expect he will be made fun of. Just think of the worst things you can say that start with Q. We have progressed a lot since the 1980s, so this may not be a real big deal. But he will get teased.This is tough one but it needs to be said. I'm a white man. This is my experience! I know who the racists are because of my name. People suck. That said, he can expect to get crummy service over the phone and in general. If your son is white expect to hear "Thank god you're white (with a sigh of relief)" when he meets a white girl's father, or "I thought you'd be black (with a sigh of disappointment)" if he dates an African American girl. Both things I've heard, I can go on but you get the idea. On the flip side of this I'm able to empathize with others that are not white, and I get great service at African American establishments. So there's that. Just know your kid is going to be judged. So expect it.There are some pretty great things about my name though.
Like I said, I can empathize with anyone that has an odd or ethnic name.
All the things I had to deal with in regards to my name built true character.
I'm tough, thoughtful, resilient. These things have led me to own my own business and it has made me a truly unique person.
That is because I had great parents that taught me to push back, not to take any guff, and embrace who I am.
I have certain kinship with any other Quintin, Quentin, Quinton, I have ever met. It's not like a common name i.e. Bob, David, Tim. There aren't a lot of us. And we stick together, it's hard to explain.
I like this name a lot. I'm considering using this as a name for a future son. I would probably not use the name unless I had a reason for the meaning. I would use it if he was the third child so the fifth family member or if he was born in May or if he was the fifth grandchild etc.
I'm still thinking about which spelling I should use. Quintin is the original and I like that but Quinten is a more common spelling where I live and I like that one too.
Quinn makes for a nice nickname for Quintin or Quentin.

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