Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I think my name is awesome and I hate when people say anything mean or demeaning about it.
To me, as this is my name and my culture, it smacks of disrespect. "Oh, I like that name in Spanish. I can't be bothered to figure out how it's spelled, though." Really? Look up Raquel Welch.
I have a friend with this name, and I like it, as well as Raquel. It's only one letter off. A real misspelling would something like Rayquelle.
This is just a popular misspelling of "Raquel." The English variant of the name is "Rachel." I love my name and this is just butchering it.
This is my middle name, and personally I've never liked it. My first name is Yvonne, and I always thought it flowed awkwardly together.People also never seem to spell it right, and when I was little I used to associate it with the word "racquet".
Why murder Rachel like this when it's perfectly lovely?
To the person who said that this name is 'murdering' the name Rachel, it's not. This is only a variant of Raquel, which is the Spanish and Portuguese version of Rachel.

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