Comments (Personal Impression Only)

As a Canadian man who has worn this name for 33 years I can tell you, I love it, my whole life I've had to correct the spelling (even with family on Xmas cards), I haven't met many other Reillys with the spelling (mostly meet Rileys), I love the uniqueness of it. I wouldn't have it any other way. Happy to be Reilly.
I think this is good on a boy and fits a boy better than a girl.
Reilly is so surname-y, I prefer Riley. This spelling also seems exclusively male, while Riley is more... inclusive.
It's a good name, but it would be mistaken as Riley all the time. You'd constantly have to spell out your name for people!
It's nice. I prefer this over Riley. I dislike it on a girl.
I thought Riley was the original spelling, Reilly seems more unique and kri8tive in my opinion. Reiley is actually the most rare spelling! Even if Reilly is the original spelling, it’s not as popular as Riley.
I hate this spelling! I prefer Riley!
So ugly! Why do so many people name their little girls Reilly, Riley, Ryleigh, et cetera? The meaning of the name is unknown, so it has no value, and the name sounds like an old Irish man. For a boy, it makes no sense to use this name because it has no meaning. It's not nice-sounding at all. This is one of the worst names you could give a baby girl.
I much prefer this spelling to "Riley," and still like it for boys.
I'm sad that Riley has become used mainly for girls. I have considered spelling it this way if I were to use it for a boy.
I LOVE this name, especially for a girl. It is so fresh and interesting, a much better version of "Riley"... the only downside is no one will know how to spell your name, but I think it has a beautiful, unique quality. I would way rather be named Reilly then something overused and boring such as Emma or Natalie.

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