Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Sounds like the name of an elderly African-American man.
Ugh, I really like this name for a character, but hearing that is used in Harry Potter makes me hesitant to use it.
I don't care for this name. It makes me think of a rhesus monkey, and it's yet another name ruined by Harry Potter.
I liked this name until JK Rowling used it. It is the name of a little bitty town in Michigan. Romulus also happens to be a town in the same state.
I admit that the first time I heard this name was when I read Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban and since then it has grown on me a lot. I absolutely adore this name. It sounds so strong and it is so nice to say it out loud. Definitely one of my favourites.
This is my great uncle's name and my grandfather is named Romulus (heehee, I know.) We usually shorten my uncle's name to Remo and my grandpa's to Ulo - they're both pretty unique names and despite being in their late 90's neither has ever met anyone else bearing the same name as either of them. I'd definitely recommend either one, they both seem to like their names quite a bit.

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