Comments (Usage Only)

This name appears to be standing the test of time since it has seen consistent use or has grown from year to year since 2009. There were 165 girls given the name in the United States in 2022, roughly the same number or a few more than the previous year. A Google search of the name turned up multiple middle and elementary honor rolls all over the United States with young teens or preteens named Renesmee, probably born from 2009 to 2013, on the rosters. There are any number of names that were created for books or movies that came into wider use and this is another one. The sound alone is pretty and distinctive and the meaning “reborn” and “loved” is attractive. I like the name.
I personally dislike it, but it's interesting how often this name is being used and that its usage hasn't really declined much even though Twilight was released over ten years ago.

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