Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Unique and so elegant! A beautiful way to potentially honor a Richard, or just a beautiful name in its own right. It stands out without seeming outlandish at all. If I met a Richelle, I certainly wouldn't forget the name, in the best way possible. Although I personally find the full name too pretty to shorten, the nickname opportunities are really cute, too!: Richie, Ricki, Shelly, Chelle. They all feel like they have such distinctly different impressions/personalities, which would give a Richelle plenty of options.
I have a character in the stories that I write whose full name is Richelle... her common nickname, as everyone knows her by, is Shelly. :o.
I think it is a more beautiful option than Michelle or Rochelle. I don't know, I think it sounds good and stands out. I don't think any Richelle has a problem sharing her name with someone in her close circle and, despite looking "modern", the spelling is correct and it looks decent. Definitely good.
Prefer Rochelle or Michelle.
Sounds kinda tacky. Rochelle is much better.
I think this is a variation of the French name Rochelle, which became somewhat popular in the 1960s (I knew two as a kid in the Mormon church). [noted -ed]
The Beatles had just made the name Michelle very popular with their song, and people simply combined it with the R from Rochelle. Rochelle and Richelle are pronounced similarly. People do love to misspell names. Richelle charted in the 1970s, another era (like now) when everyone wanted to be unique.
I really like the sound of this name - it feels kind of crispy and fresh sounding. - It's not quite as classy and natural as Michelle or even Rachel, or even Rachelle or Rochelle, but it's nice, I can definitely like it for that. I don't know anyone with this name, not even a literary character but I would think it must age quite well. Shell or Shelly/ie could be a cute nickname, but also I think Richelle would make a lovely middle name.
I love this pretty name!It's not common, it's elegant, and gives a great personality to the girls ;-)My daughter's name is Richelle and the meaning is just the personality of her.
Yet another ugly, lazily-constructed feminine form. This one looks rather like Rochelle, which I think is ugly as well.
Sounds like someone felt like making the name Michelle more unique by sticking an R at the beginning. Not too fond of it.
I hate this name, it's so chavvy and horrible.
It doesn't sound nearly as pretty, glamorous, and sophisticated as some people think. It's no ghetto name, and it's not exactly trailer trash level either, but it's quite tacky.
Lovely name! At least it's not overused like Mary or Ashley.
Richelle is a sweet pretty name for a girl. I have only known one young girl with this name.

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