Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I prefer the "Ricki" spelling but it's okay.
I absolutely love having this name, and I would never want another. My mom named me after "Rikki Don't Lose That Number" by Steely Dan. I think it's a "fun" name. Youthful, bright, cheerful, and unique. Whoever has this name will not be faint of heart, as she will probably face some teasing; most kids do. I don't think that should dissuade anyone from naming a child "Rikki", though. No one will ever forget your name, that's for sure. Nor should they; Rikki is awesome!
A good nickname for a girl?
The name Rikki was given to 51 baby girls born in the US in 2012.
I think this spelling makes it feminine and cute. I also like Mikki (Mikayla) and Nikki (Nikola). :)
Never as a first name! As a diminutive, spelled "Ricki" for a female, is fine.
I like the way Rikki is spelled, but why does it have to be feminine? I think you should be able to name a boy Rikki but not have it be short for Richard like Ricky is.
Reminds me of the mongoose in the book and the spelling is awful anyways.
I think this is a good nickname for someone called Larisa.
I associate this name with insects for some reason.
I hate this name! I totally dislike how it's a kreatyv spyllyng of Ricky made feminine. Some names are good enough without any feminine forms. This name is demeaning in many ways. First, it's a total cheerleader name. Second, names like Mikki, Nikki, Rikki, and Vikki look downright juvenile. Third, they just look ugly and that's all I can possibly say!

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