Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Rodrigo is, in my personal opinion, just slightly better than its English counterpart, Roderick. With that thought mentioned, I am not too keen on it as it represents a certain figure in my past who had a negative impact on my life and went by this moniker. The name alone is ok, but not the sort that I will ever find endearing to me.
A HUGE nope for me!
My middle name is Rodrigo and it's a good name from my overtly biased opinion. I just wish there were more people going by that as a first name from my neck of the woods. I really like it and offer my best regards to others who have this name.
I am very surprised that nobody is talking about this hidden treasure of a Spanish name. This name sounds very
unique and offers a certain amount of sophistication that might appeal to someone who might enjoy something different for a change without appearing too peripheral. It also helps that this name has a wonderful meaning behind it that sounds magnificent, “famous ruler”. I like that a lot!
The meaning behind Rodrigo sounds very nice.

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