Comments (Personal Impression Only)

This is the name of my dog. My mum choose it, pretty pretty if I have to say, but I couldn't imagine it on a person sadly.
Rolo chocolate is so yummy, like heaven in a candy. Rollo is a bit silly as a full name but fine, I think, as a nickname.
Reminds me of the chocolate and caramel confection (Rolo).
I think this name is nice. I think the way you say it is really cool.
This sounds more like a nickname, and it doesn't have a very mature or sophisticated sound to it. It's a bit of an amusing name, too. I would probably laugh if I heard a parent shout ''Rollo, come here!''
I cannot think of this name without envisioning a rolly-polly person, having seen the animated film version of "101 Dalmations" (Rolly was one of the puppies, and a rather pudgy little one). Please have mercy on your child and don't name them this.

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